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We have the perfect Dog education program for your team. Get a quote today on a fully customised program starting at only $1500.


The following Class and Field presentations can be mixed and matched for the most suitable education program for your team. Seminars 1, 2 and 3 are available in 30, 60, 90 and 120 minute presentations and Seminars 4 and 5 are available in 60, 90 and 120 minute presentations.


  1. Dog Bite Prevention Stage Presentation

  2. Dog Bite Prevention field demonstration.

  3. Handling and Managing Aggressive dogs.

  4. Bite Stick and Capsacim Spray training.

  5. K9 evaluation and Behavioural assessment.


Dog Bite Prevention Stage Presentation

*30, 60, 90 or 120 minute presentation

*Evaluate, React and avoid a dog attack.

*Presenter Gaz Jackson

This presentation is by far the most popular for the training of staff that come in contact with aggressive dogs in their line of duty. Perfect for postal workers, delivery drivers, animal control officers, and service providers.

Subjects include the following;

  1. The causes and the types of aggression in dogs including the dog's body language and triggers.

  2. How to quickly evaluate a dog and avoid a dangerous situation. {Is it safe to enter the yard}

  3. Procedures and essential equipment for avoiding or stopping a dog attack.

Dog Bite Prevention Field Demonstration with Aggressive Law Enforcement Dog

*30, 60, 90 or 120 minute presentation

*Presenter Gaz Jackson with Handler

This field demonstration is very popular and many organisations combine the Dog Bite Presentation with the field demonstration. Veteran decoy Gaz Jackson will be in a full body bite suit and will also have a professional law enforcement officer with an aggressive dog. Gaz will demonstrate the dog with a high level of aggression and get bit on the arms, leg and back to showcase the level of aggression and the importance of dog bite prevention.  Gaz will then put several staff members in the bite suit so they can experience the power of an aggressive dog. This is an invaluable experience for anyone that works with dogs.

Handling and Managing Aggressive Dogs

*30, 60, 90 or 120 minute presentation

*Presenter Gaz Jackson with Handler

This seminar is very popular with councils, pounds, kennel operators and veterinary staff.

This presentation will show you many tips and tricks to working with aggressive dogs and how to stay safe. Gaz will cover the proper use of a catching pole, lassos and other animal control equipment. Gaz will also show how to safely secure aggressive dogs and move them from yard to vehicle to kennel and how to minimize the aggression and many safety tips on kennel management.

Bite Stick and Capsicum Spray Training

*30, 60, 90 or 120 minute presentation

*Stage and Field Training

*Presenter Gaz Jackson with 2nd Instuctor

This presentation is also run by one of our highly trained instructors on the tactical use of a bite stick to protect your yourself from an attacking dog. The Bite stick training will cover classroom instruction plus field exercises on different techniques and practice.

The Capsicum spray presentation covers the training and operational use of the spray to avoid a dog attack. The Capsicum spray training is practical instruction and exercises in the field.  

Also covered in this presentation is the maintenance and handling of the equipment.

K9 Evaluation and Behavioural Assessment for Rehousing

*30, 60, 90 or 120 minute presentation

*Stage and Field Training

*Presenter Gaz Jackson

This has been an invaluable seminar for animal control officers that evaluate dogs for re-housing. Dogs may pass an evaluation and once rehomed may end up being a complete danger to the new family, animals and the community. Gaz will take you through a class presentation of the many tests and body language to look for so you have a complete safety check list. The second part is evaluating several dogs in the field to expose the dogs true self. This includes reactivity, aggression, recovery time, and much more. We conclude with training methods and management to fix the dogs problems and if can be re-homed.


Other Presentations include

6. Bad K9 Behaviour causes and cures {Classroom}

7. Obedience Training {Field}

8. Law Enforcement Protection Dog Training.

9. K9 Decoy Development training.

10. Detection dog training workshop.


Charities, Volunteers, Community and Rescue groups please go to my Charities page for more information on free seminars for your members and fund raising presentations to raise money for your charity.

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