“The Dog Trainer” 2 Book set is out now
Its been a massive week for me with the launch of my dog training autobiography at the Sydney Dog Lovers Show on August 6-7. The team...
Pre Buy “The Dog Trainer” Duology
Be the first to receive “The Dog Trainer” Duology BOOK 1. From K9 World First’s to Murder & Mayhem BOOK 2 Death,Karma and the Battle of...

So you want to be a Dog trainer?
Gary Jackson, Professional Dog Trainer, accomplished author AND member of the PDTA has a new book coming out around August this year....

Street Dogs and Rescue Dogs How to avoid a ticking time bomb
The dog wants a pack leader and one of the worst things you can do is have the dog sleep in the bedroom. This will fast track the dependency

Detection dogs a brief insight to scent training
I have been very fortunate to be one of the pioneers of many different types of detection dogs from the environmental detection of...

Three cheers for the Village Vets
So let's have a look at a list of problems that is caused by dogs that have had no socialization during the critical period, and it will

GazJackson.com - up and running
Introducing www.gazjackson.com The complete website on all things Dog Training.